Guest speaker: Jeff Zillgitt

29 03 2011

Jeff Zillgitt is the NBA beat reporter for USA Today.

There is a place for every young journalist, you just need to find out where that place is. You are churning out copies all the time so you don’t get much time with any one story.

You might not break every story, but you don’t want to miss any story. You must be aware of it all and keep track of the stories that are constantly coming out. There is no problem acknowledging another newspaper when they report something.

It’s always a good thing to call a coach so they get to know you and create a relationship. But even if you haveĀ  a relationship with them, you should be critical if the player isn’t doing well or positive if they are.

Write the truth.

It’s not easy to get info out to the public, especially when the person does not want that story to get out. And while it may make both of you uncomfortable, at the end of the day, it’s your job. You must do it and ask questions.

You should know how to get information. This is important not only in journalism but also in the world outside of it. Employers love people who can do this.

The best interviews are not only when he was firing questions away at the player or coach but when he was able to strike a conversation with them so each of you are comfortable.

Even if you are not an expert in a certain sport, it’s really important to know who to ask and be confident enough to ask them any and all questions to help you do your job well.



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